badhatee umr example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Latest बढ़ती उम्र badhatee umr news and headlines :
1. सरसों का तेल बढ़ती उम्र में भी जवां बनाकर रखेगा, और भी हैं कई फायदे amarujala.com2. बढ़ती उम्र के साथ भी चाहते हैं जवान त्वचा, खाएं ये चीजेंlivehindustan.com3. आज हम देंगे आपको ऐसे टिप्स जिसे अपनाकर आप बढ़ती उम्र में युवा दिख सकते हैं
4. 33 वर्षीय अमित मिश्रा की बढ़ती उम्र को न देखें बल्कि उनके जज्बे को सलाम करें jagran.com5. अगर हम आपसे ये कहें कि इस दुनिया में एक लड़की ऐसी है जो बढ़ती उम्र के साथ लंबी नहीं बल्कि सिकुड़कर छोटी होती जा रही है तो आपको शायद यकीन नहीं होगा jagran.com6. भोजन में तेल और वसा का सही मात्रा में इस्तेमाल बढ़ती उम्र के असर को धीमा करने में एक अहम भूमिका निभा सकता हैibnlive.com7. एक ताजा सर्वेक्षण में हुए खुलासे ने उस आम धारणा को उलट दिया, जिसमें माना जाता रहा है कि बढ़ती उम्र के साथ महिलाओं में सेक्स के प्रति अरुचि पैदा होने लगती हैibnlive.com8. अभिनेत्री सलमा हायक का कहना है कि उन्हें बढ़ती उम्र का डर सताता था और 50 की होने के ख्याल से ही वह सिहर उठती थीं

Given are the examples of hindi word badhatee umr usage in english sentences. The examples of badhatee umr are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., eld, age, years.

n 1908, when the scale was revised, they gave the concept of Mental Age (MA), which is a measure of a person s intellectual development relative to people of her/his age group.

A mental age of 5 means that a child s performance on an intelligence test equals the average performance level of a group of 5-year olds.
Chronological Age (CA) is the biological age from birth.
Retardation was defined by Binet and Simon as being two mental age years below the chronological age.
Aptitude, Aptitude tests, Case study, Cognitive assessment system, Componential intelligence, Contextual intelligence, Creativity, Emotional intelligence, Culture-fair test, Experiential intelligence, g-factor, ndividual differences, ntellectual giftedness, ntelligence, ntelligence tests, ntelligence quotient ( Q), nterest, nterview, Mental age (MA), Mental retardation, Observational method, Planning, Psychological test, Simultaneous processing, Situationism, Successive processing, alues.
Watching someone sip a cup of tea at a roadside tea stall you may wonder when did people begin to drink tea or coffee? Looking out of the window of a train you may ask yourself when were railways built and how did people travel long distances before the age of railways? Reading the newspaper in the morning you may be curious to know how people got to hear about things before newspapers began to be printed.
Can such a conception be accepted today? In any case, can we refer to any period of history as Hindu or Muslim ? Did not a variety of faiths exist simultaneously in these periods? Why should we characterise an age only through the religion of the rulers of the time? To do so is to suggest that the lives and practices of the others do not really matter.
At about the age of twenty-five, the Prince, heretofore shielded from the sufferings of the world, while out hunting chanced upon a sick man, then an aged man, then a funeral procession, and finally a monk begging for alms.
Is there a democratic way of selecting representatives without elections? Let us think of a place where representatives are selected on the basis of age and experience.
As new persons attain voting age names are added to the voters list.
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